An automated drive through vehicle disinfection system which cleans the wheels, underside and sills.
- Easy to Install on a Prepared Surface
- Mains 240V Electric for Permanent Installation or use with Generator Set
- 12V Battery System for Temporary Remote Applications
- Each Vehicle is Treated with Fresh Disinfectant
- A Powerful Spray Coats the Wheels on Both Sides
- Further Nozzles are Situated to Treat the Underside and Sill Areas
- Treats Whole Tread of HGV Tyres as they Drive Through the Tray
- Designed to apply DEFRA Approved Disinfectants
- Applied Disinfectant is not Diluted in a Rain Storm
- No Mats to Replace
- Easy to Clean
- Minimal Labour Costs
Optional Accessories
Hand Gun & Lance
Remote Hand Lance station with start button
Side Screens
Anti-freeze System
Temporary Road Ways for Access on Soft Ground
Heavy duty version for large transport centers
Combined vehicle wash system
Automatic Chemical Dosing
MODEL: Sentry
Spray System Pressure
Liquid Flow
30ltr-min / 6.5gal-min
Vehicle Detection
Tank Capacity
200ltr / 44gal